Thursday, May 9, 2013

Good afternoon!

Today I'm going to talk about the piece of technology that I can't live without it.

Since August of 2011, my parents gifted me an IPod Touch for the children's day. You can believe that? For me it was fantastic! Even though because I don't be a girl. The reason of the gift was, because in 2010 someone stole my poor mp3 and I didn't have something to listening to music.

Well, I used it every day, when I travel to university or my home in Melipilla. Moreover, I use it when I read some book for my studies or for hobby. Particularly, I can haven't a modern cell phone, but an IPod, I couldn't be without it!

I love it, because the most important character of the IPod Touch are very quickly and efficient. And you can to make a lot of lists of reproduction. Also, you can be online in the net, to check your account of Gmail and to download games or applications.

Finally, let me tell you that I'm very careful with it; even I bought a cover to protect it.

Well I hope you are being Ok! =)


  1. Nice post c: Take care your phone :B Lol xd My phone is very old u.u !

  2. Ohh I want one! ajaja. I like that you use a lot this piece and do very careful with it.

    Regards Cote :)

  3. Wow, it's awesome.
    It must have been completely awful to be unable to listen to music anywhere you want (at least, it would be for me).
    Well, nice post
