Thursday, May 23, 2013


I choose this picture, because is one of the things that I really would like to do before to die - I'm so fatalist! - No but, seriously, I’d like to riding in a velocipede. It’s a very estrange and beautiful object, and I imagine it would be very exciting!

I don’t know who takes this photo, I only search in the web a few minutes ago -Google exactly- and I found it in a blog. According the writer -, apparently it was taking in Budapest, capital city of Hungary, and it's not surprising to see the people in this kind of transports.

Well to complete my idea, I need to explain that the velocipede is any transport medium of human traction related with one, two or more cycles. The most common is the bicycle, but when I refer that I’d like to riding in a velocipede, I mean one of like show us the photo -a type of 19th century bicycle-.

I say that, because I'm late to understand it, I thought that only called velocipede all the things with this form.

And finally, I have a big question to do....How you get on a velocipede? If someone knows, tell me please!!     

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


 These days, we are celebrating the “Pomairina Week”. Every year, the people from Pomaire –a town near to my natal city Melipilla- realizes expositions about their crafts, arts and customs. Yesterday, the cultural group “Esteke” made a carnival called “Por la Greda Esteke”. This happened it join to others organizations such as “Subete a las Tablas” –theater festival-, “Pablo De Rokha” –popular library community- and “Acme” –Agrupacion Circense de Melipilla-, among others. I’m an integrant of the last group, since 2011 approximately, the reason for I participated it.

The objective of this carnival was to show the importance of the Greda works. The tradition to work with this resource has decreases in the last time. And the dealers sell products from others cities and countries –like China-. It’s very sad, because the customs have been losing.    

The two next pictures show the event!

I hope that enjoy it, and I invite you to visit POMAIRE!

Pd. I sound like a tour guide!    

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Good afternoon!

Today I'm going to talk about the piece of technology that I can't live without it.

Since August of 2011, my parents gifted me an IPod Touch for the children's day. You can believe that? For me it was fantastic! Even though because I don't be a girl. The reason of the gift was, because in 2010 someone stole my poor mp3 and I didn't have something to listening to music.

Well, I used it every day, when I travel to university or my home in Melipilla. Moreover, I use it when I read some book for my studies or for hobby. Particularly, I can haven't a modern cell phone, but an IPod, I couldn't be without it!

I love it, because the most important character of the IPod Touch are very quickly and efficient. And you can to make a lot of lists of reproduction. Also, you can be online in the net, to check your account of Gmail and to download games or applications.

Finally, let me tell you that I'm very careful with it; even I bought a cover to protect it.

Well I hope you are being Ok! =)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Bach Flowers Therapy

One of the things that I like is a complement therapies. I know that it’s very popular today, overall, because the “traditional” medical systems can’t explain the origin of a few diseases and its causes. So the measure of people chooses other kind of therapy increase every day. Bach Flowers Therapy is one of them, and I’m going to write about it because now I’m studying for be a flower therapeutic.

This is created by Edward Bach, a British physician, bacteriologist and homeopathic; born in 1886. He developed a new therapy based in a homeopathy, because he didn't like the chemical remedies. He observed the comportment people and noticed different characteristics in your personalities and how interacts together. Also, he connected it with the characteristics of few flower from his country, and discovered a relationship between them, respect the humans emotions and morphology and environment where each flower grown-up. He said that both have a positive and negative state. For example, the negative state of Rock Rose produces a paralyze fear in a person and the positive state produces courage.

He discovered 38 flowers, put it in seven classifications, and one rescue remedy (a mix of a few important flowers). 

Oh, an essential point is that he considered the disease as a emotional disorder! It happens for to learn in our lives, it's not a bad thing!